
A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings

Volume Two: The Indian Tradition

The Origin of the Order of Nuns according to the Dharmaguptakavinaya

Introduction to the text

The following selection comes from the Sì fēn lǜ 四分律 (Skt. Dharmaguptakavinaya), translated by Buddhayaśas and Zhú Fóniàn between 410 and 412. This text was among four competing versions of the vinaya in China, by the end of the Tang becoming the standard vinaya, most commonly used by monks and nuns for subsequent Chinese history. The passage below tells the story of the ordination of the first nun by the Buddha, including his pronouncement of the eight special rules nuns are to follow, and the procedures for ordination. Again you will notice that the primary obstacle to understanding when shifting from one genre of Buddhist texts to another is not so much grammar and style as it is mastery of technical vocabulary.

Passages with Vocabulary

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §1

比丘尼 bǐqiūní (Skt.) bhikṣuṇī
揵度 jiàndù (Skt.) skandhaka, collection of rules
釋翅瘦 Shìchìshòu (Skt.) Śākyesu (name of a city)
尼拘律 níjūlǜ (Skt.) nyagrodha (type of tree)
yuán garden, grove
摩訶波闍波提 Móhēbōshébōtí (Skt.) Mahāprajāpatī (name of the Buddha’s aunt)
舍夷 Shèyí (Skt.) Śākya (surname)
to go to
tīng to hear; to allow
dào path, vocation
瞿曇彌 Qútánmí (Skt.) Gautamī (name applied to the Buddha’s aunt)
do not

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §2

拘薩羅 Jūsàluó (Skt.) Kośala (place name)
祇桓 Qíhuán (Skt.) Jetavana
精舍 jīngshè hermitage
to shave
bèi to don, to wear
袈裟 jiāshā (Skt.) kaṣāya
步涉 bùshè to walk
broken; worn raw
塵土 chéntǔ dust
bèn to soil (with dust)
涕泣 tìqì to cry
流淚 liúlèi to weep

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §3

且止 qiězhǐ stop, wait
長者 zhǎngzhě householder
jiā family
衰微 shuāiwéi wither, decline
稻田 dàotián rice field
bèi by (marks passive)
霜雹 shuāngbáo frost and hail
破壞 pòhuài destroy, break
不得 bùdé cannot, not allowed

6 The implication being, “it would be good if...”

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §4

ēn gratitude; kindness
乳養 rǔyǎng to nurture, to raise
chuáng seat; bed
臥具 wòjù sleeping implement, bedding
醫藥 yīyào medicine
bào to repay
出世 chūshì to appear in the world

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §5

狐疑 húyí to doubt
須陀洹 xūtuóhuán (Skt.) srotāpanna, stream-enterer
guǒ fruit; reward; result
決定 juédìng definitive; to decide
七返 qīfǎn (Skt. saptakṛdbhavaparama), lit. “seven returns”; that is, seven more lives before liberation
border, margin; place, realm
受三自歸 shòusān zìguī to accept the three refuges

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §6

阿羅漢 āluóhàn (Skt.) arhat
zhì to establish
jìn to end, to exhaust
形壽 xíngshòu life span
比丘尼 bǐqiūní bhikṣuni
迎逆 yíngnì to greet
禮拜 lǐbài to bow to; to worship; to prostrate; to treat with decorum
to put out, to prepare
尊重 zūnzhòng to respect
恭敬 gōngjìng to revere
讚歎 zàntàn to praise, to admire

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §7

罵詈 màlí to berate
呵責 hēzé to scold
誹謗 fěibàng to slander
威儀 wēiyí comportment; dignified behavior
to question, to denounce, to expose
憶念 yìniàn to remember; to remind (someone to do something), to nag
自言 zìyán to admit, to confess; to make a complaint
zhē to restrict; to prohibit; to conceal; to obstruct
to search for
自恣 zìzì (Skt. pravāraṇā) lit. self indulgence; ceremony of repentance
to castigate

7 The text may be corrupt here. A Tang text gives: 《仁衡鈔》卷2:「比丘尼罵詈比丘訶責,」(CBETA, X26, no. 519, p. 452, c15-16 // Z 1:41, p. 75, d3-4 // R41, p. 150, b3-4)

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §8

式叉摩那 shìchāmónà (Skt.) śikṣamāṇā, a novice nun
to beg, to request
僧殘 sēngcán (Skt. saṃghāvaśeṣa, saṃghātiśeṣa) lit. monk remain; that is, “one may remain as a monk” (without being expelled from the Order)
zuì crime, fault, sin
group, category
摩那埵 mònàduǒ (Skt.) mānatva, confession (more precisely the joy produced through confession)
教授 jiàoshòu instructor; instruction
夏安居 xiàānjū the summer meditation retreat
比丘尼僧 bǐqiūnísēng (Skt.) bhikṣuni monastic; nun
三事 sānshì here probably short for 三事 “precepts for the three activities” (of body, speech and mind)
見聞疑 jiànwényí what one has seen, heard and suspected
ān to place, to put
橋樑 qiáoliáng bridge
to cross

8 This rule is amended later in the Dharmaguptakavinaya, such that nuns were henceforth to receive the precepts from other nuns.

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §9

頂受 dǐngshòu lit. to receive with one’s head touching the ground; to respectfully receive
淨潔 jìngjié pure, clean
莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn; handsome, attractive
洗沐 xǐmù to wash
優鉢羅 yōubōlúo (Skt.) utpala, a kind of lotus or water-lily (esp. a blue lotus)
mán garland
阿希物多 āxīwùduō (Skt.) atimuktaka, a kind of white flower
瞻婆 zhānpó (Skt.) campaka, a fragrant yellow flower (Michelia Campaka)
蘇曼那 sùmànnà (Skt.) sumanā, another flower (Chrysanthemum Indicum)
婆師 póshī (Skt.) vārṣika, a kind of jasmine
shòu to give
to attach, to tie
zhì to place, to position

9 What follows must be the Buddha speaking.

四分律》卷48: 比丘尼揵度: §10

huái to harbor, to feel
悔恨 huǐhèn regret
to encounter
zéi bandit
毀辱 huǐrù to humiliate, ruin
戲弄 xì’nòng to sport with, play with
剃髮 tìfǎ to shave the hair, to take the tonsure
大姊 dàzǐ elder sister
某甲 mǒujiǎ so-and-so
時到 shídào deems it timely
忍聽 rěntīng approval and agreement

(CBETA, T22, no. 1428, p. 920ff).

Page updated on 2019-02-09


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